Every sound small business plan must include the basics of who you are, what you can do and how you’re going to do it. The exact format can vary, but there are several elements you should be sure to include: An executive summary, a description of the company, the product or service you’re selling or plan to sell, a description of you and your management team, a market analysis and a detailed financial analysis. The executive summary comes first but is written last. Specifics and details are important, especially when it comes to your analyses.

Having a format in mind can help organize your thoughts, but remember that you want to build the plan first. A good business management consultant can help you every step of the way, from the beginning to final assembly. Most important of all, an experienced consultant can vet your plan, making sure that all the tough questions have been dealt with before it lands on the banker’s desk!

Ron Sturgeon, Mr. Mission Possible, is a highly successful entrepreneur and a veteran business plan consultant. He covers building a business plan in his consulting assignments and in his peer benchmarking groups, as well as in speaking engagements.

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