Financial planning is an absolutely essential component of business success. The first step is to get the most complete and accurate information about how your company is doing, or, if you’re starting a business, how your company might do. (If you’re a start-up, remember that your pro forma statements should be based on conservative assumptions.) You also need to know where you stand in terms of assets and liabilities.

From there, you can begin plotting your course to higher profits, step by step. Here’s a good time to call in a navigator—a successful entrepreneur who’s also skilled at small business consulting would do the trick. An outside consultant can give you what often is the most valuable advice of all—the advice you don’t really want to hear—as well as practical guidance on the best financial strategy to reach your company’s goals.

Ron Sturgeon, Mr. Mission Possible, can help you with financial planning issues in a variety of ways. He can help you tackle your planning through a consulting assignment or a peer benchmarking group; he’s also available for speaking engagements. Let Ron help your numbers add up to success!