Management Article – Love What You Do –Then You Don’t Have a Job

Today’s sacrifice is tomorrow’s gain. We’ve all heard that a hundred times. It’s a cliché. You have to sacrifice today for a bigger tomorrow. How does it apply to your current situation?

Do you really want to do what you’re doing? Do you REALLY want to do it? If you just want a job, go get a job and put this book back on the shelf.

You have to be in love with what you do. If you’re doing it for any other reason than the fact that you love it and want it, it won’t work. That’s the foundation of a persevering attitude.

Case in point: I used to live in a mobile home. It was a conservative setting. I’d get up early in the morning and go to work. In the evening I’d come home to my mobile home. One day when I returned I discovered to my horror that the mobile home right next to his was on fire. It was already engulfed and out of control. As fast as I could, I hooked up m garden hose to water down the roof of my own home, which I just knew I was going to lose at any moment. Just in time, firemen came and doused the burning trailer. My home survived.

Relieved if not somewhat stunned, I went into his home, sat down and opened the mail. The first letter was from the IRS, a notice they were going to audit me!

Was that a bad day? Wow! I nearly lost his home; now I had to face the indomitable IRS. What would I do?

What would you do?

I got up the next day and went to work as I always did. I was the first one there and the last one to leave. I survived the fire and I survived the audit. Why? I’d developed the habit of a persevering attitude.

This attitude of perseverance and resilience regardless of circumstances has to become a way of life. At the root of it is a passion for what you are doing. You’re not about to give up.

The older you are, statistical data show, the less likely you are to take risks. As you get older, you become inherently more conservative. It’s easier for older entrepreneurs to settle into what they have. They are less apt to reach out toward a greater tomorrow.

This is a universal norm. Perhaps you are the exception. There most certainly are exceptions to this, as there are exceptions to any kind of average pattern. We present this because we want you to examine whether your sense of “today” has become a way of life. Are you just accepting what you have or do you have a hope for a greater tomorrow?

Settle for the daily grind and your passion will fade. Fall asleep in the habits of routine and your creativity will dwindle. You’ll take fewer risks. Tomorrow may never be more than what you have right now.

The only way to avoid this, the only way to reach for significant success is to attack both the good and the bad habits with passion. Find and rekindle that which makes your hands shake until you can get to work. Get up, wake up, shake your head and look in the mirror! Are you satisfied with what you’ve achieved?

Don’t forget to go the website for my new book,, to learn all the backroom business terms. There are 1,200+ terms in over 300 pages, with hilarious illustrations by world famous Gahan Wilson. You can register there for your free weekly “green weenie.” If you want to know what a three fingered booger is, or what’s in a train wreck envelope, it’s the only place to go!

Remember, only you can make BUSINESS GREAT! Next month, more from Chapter Six of How to Salvage Millions from Your Small Business.

Please email if you would like me to send previous articles. was formed in 2001 to help recyclers improve their businesses. With over fifty years of experience in three staff members, the group is THE definitive source for recyclers’ management and training needs. The founder, Ron Sturgeon, is past owner of AAA Small Car World.  You can review his resume, with skills and experience, at our website. In 2002, his book How to Salvage Millions From Your Small Business was published to help small business owners achieve significant success. It was recently reprinted in the U.S. and published in China, Korea and the Czech Republic.  You can learn more about how to help your business at You can reach us at 5940 Eden, Haltom City, TX 76117, or by calling or emailing Mike Gibson or Tammy Sturgeon. Mike can be reached at 817-925-0061 or, and Tammy can be reached at 817-999-1224 or