Being an entrepreneur can be one of the toughest—and most rewarding—fields of business endeavor. An entrepreneur isn’t just a person with a good idea; lots of people come up with brilliant ideas every day. Entrepreneurs are the people who take the risks necessary to turn a good idea into reality. And when it works, they reap the benefits!

Believe it or not, there aren’t that many born entrepreneurs—it takes experience and business mentoring to learn how to balance risk and benefit successfully. Ask almost anyone who’s successfully built their share of businesses and you’ll find someone who has gotten small business help when they’ve needed it.

Ron Sturgeon, Mr. Mission Possible, has done very well as an entrepreneur over the years. And he’d be the first to tell you that he got mentoring along the way. Now it’s his turn: He shares his expertise through his peer benchmarking groups, his consulting assignments and his speaking engagements.

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